
Potential Image Spaces in Communal and Learning Environments

How can we use virtual models and models of virtuality for the process of learning and research?

How can we fathom „image spaces“ as individual or collaborative learning environments?

What is the didactic potential of visually perceptible imaginary spaces in virtual reality?

Organised by:
Carolin Behrmann, Helene Seewald, Leonie Ullmann

Fr. 15.11.2024

09.15 – 09.30: Welcome & Coffee

09.30 – 09.40: Introduction
Carolin Behrmann & Helene Seewald (Ruhr University Bochum)

09.40 – 10.30: „La vista de la imaginación“. Virtual Animation of the Senses in Ignatius of Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises
Julia Weber (Freie Universität Berlin)

10.30 – 11.20: Reconstructing Giulio Camillo’s Theatre: From Renaissance Texts to 3D Virtual Worlds Oscar Seip (Software Sustainability Institute, Manchester)

11.35 – 12.25: A room in one’s own: performing inner spaces, autotheoretical and beyond
Maria Gil Ulldemolins (Hasselt University)

13.30 – 15.00: Case Studies in VR | Xtended Room
Time Travel Magdeburg Cathedral, 2019
IL DIVINO: Michelangelo’s Sistine Ceiling in VR, 2019
Tabula Cebetis, 2024

15.00 – 16.00: VR-Modelling, Imagination and Community: Discussion of the Case Studies